
About Us

PEACE WITH LAND KENYA is an NGO implementing ADR mechanisms in Kenya through capacity building, advocacy and stakeholder engagement. The organization main objective is to Promote Justice, Good Governance, Peace, and Coexistence around land issues in Kenya.

our programs
Public Land Protection

Through our partners and pool of land experts, we ensure that public land and other alienated shared resources are protected from encroachment, grabbing and unwarranted wrongful land uses. This ensures equitable, peaceful sharing of natural resources thus fostering peaceful co-existence. 

Land Clinics

Research has overtime shown overwhelming misinformation among local communities about land issues, tenure, registration and even succession. Our land clinics serve to ensure local communities are equipped with credible information on land laws, existing policies and regulations. Additionally, community members get to interact with land experts to solve disputes, deal with survey issues and even get expert opinions about cases already in court. 

Land Succession & Survey

Often times, deceased members of a family don’t leave a will to guide on succession of assets. In other cases, a deceased person may have possessed small plots or land parcels completely unknown to their kin, and even other cases where registration of parcels of land owned by a deceased party are incomplete. Such instances require processes like survey and an amicable guideline to ensure succession is done peacefully. Our organization helps facilitate survey and succession processes for bereaved families and women headed homesteads through our volunteer experts. 

Land Dispute Resolution and Prevention

Historically, land and land related conflicts have been known to have far-reaching effects on economic, social, spatial and ecological development. By using Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms (ADR), we ensure the resolution of existing conflicts, and prevent the occurrence/re-occurrence of such conflicts. 

Education, Policy and Research on Land matters

In order to create memos to influence land policies that foster peaceful use of land, our organization conducts research to determine the extent and nature of land and land related disputes. Additionally, the information gathered influences the nature of trainings offered to community members and local leaders. Developing capacities of local leaders to solve minor disputes ensure we prevent exacerbation of solvable disputes, while preventing more from happening. 

Promoting peaceful co-existence through social justice programmes aimed at supporting vulnerable individuals, groups and organizations that suffer most from economic, social and cultural rights infringement in Kenya. The mission will be achieved through various strategies designed to address prevention and resolution of land and land related disputes.
Towards a Society free from Land and Land Related Disputes.
Core values

      1.      Public participation and  Empowerment

       2.      Equity and Non-discrimination

       3.      Integrity

       4.      Innovation

       5.      Accountability and Transparency

       6.      social fairness

       7.      Integrity,

       8.      Professionalism

       9.      Team work

Promoting and enhancing peaceful co-existence in Kenya through minimizing Land Conflicts and Disputes.
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